Our Vision

Our vision at Nelson Community Masjid is to establish a mosque in Nelson that surpasses the boundaries of race, religion, and background, serving as a hallmark of unity, compassion, and spiritual enlightenment within the community. We are dedicated to fostering a warm and inclusive environment, where everyone feels embraced by love, compassion, and empathy.

Our vision is to create a community where there is happiness, peace, love and peace in every home.

Our Achievements

Nelson Community Masjid is more than just a place of prayer. We are a multi-award winning Masjid recognised for our role in helping people of all races and religion in Pendle. Most recently, in 2023, we were winners of the “Community Together Award” in the Pride of Nelson awards. In 2022, we received the “Best Masjid Outreach Programme” in the UK at the National Beacon Masjid Awards held in London, recognising our service to the community. In 2021, we were winners of the “Community Contribution” award at the Pride of Nelson awards ceremony for our work supporting the community throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic and beyond.

Some of Our Primary Goals

  • At our mosque, we believe in cultivating a strong sense of unity and brotherhood/sisterhood in our diverse community where belonging, acceptance, and support are paramount for men, women and the youth.

  • We envision our mosque as a hub for community engagement and service, where we actively seek opportunities to uplift and serve our local community.

  • We are committed to providing a warm and welcoming space where every member of the family feels loved, valued, and supported so families can flourish, fostering strong bonds, and creating lasting memories.

  • Our mosque will be a sanctuary where our children can thrive and find purpose, direction, and a sense of belonging.

  • Empowering women to realise their full potential, overcome barriers, and thrive in all facets of life.

  • Creating a community where there is happiness, well-being, love, and peace in every home, free from poverty, hunger, and hardships.

By instilling these aims and objectives our mosque will aim to show by example virtues such as compassion, acceptance and inspiration, leaving behind an enduring legacy of positive transformation for generations to come.”