If you are an organisation that wishes to refer a service user to us please call us on 01282 899195 or fill in the [Foodbank Referral Form].

If you wish to volunteer for us please click here for our volunteering form or email us at admin@myncm.co.uk.

Project Vision

With compassion, service and love, we will create a Nelson free from poverty, hunger and hardship fostering a thriving community for all.

Project Vision

At NCM Foodbank, we are driven by compassion, service, I’d love to nourish, hob and transform lives in Nelson . Our mission is to provide access to nutritious food and supportive services, fostering a driving inclusive, community, free from poverty and hunger.

The Foodbank delivers food parcels, hot food, clothing, and other essentials to the most vulnerable members of our community. To date, we have delivered thousands of food parcels and meals.

The Foodbank works closely with organisations across the East Lancashire. We have an excellent relationship with these organisations and support each other in achieving our aims and objectives.

NCM Food bank has been perfect for my son. As a volunteer he has learned to interact with other people of various ages and has helped him appreciate what we are blessed with.

A regular NCM worshipper