Project Vision

Cultivating a community in Nelson, where asylum seekers and refugees are welcomed, supported, and empowered to lead fulfilling lives, integrate seamlessly, and make a positive impact.

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster a welcoming and supportive atmosphere for asylum seekers and refugees in Nelson. We are dedicated to empowering individuals by providing comprehensive support services, aiding their integration, and helping them lead fulfilling lives. Through promoting inclusivity and mutual respect, we aim to build a stronger, more cohesive community where everyone can thrive and make positive contributions.

Each family/household will be provided with a mentor who can assess their needs and provide guidance, support and encouragement and ensure their needs are fulfilled.

We offer a comprehensive service that offers economic, spiritual, emotional, physical and social wellbeing.

We have Arab, Kurdish, Farsi, Urdu and English speaking mentors.

To request help please complete the following form:
Request Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support
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